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GDL-Programmierung Treppenchecker

GDL-Programmierung: Multifunktionales Fenster



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The newly developed Flexi-Zone-Stamp is both a zone stamp and a zone label and takes a completely new approach to zone labelling, moving away from the cluttered settings dialogues of the current Archicad zone stamps towards the principle of "keep it simple". The idea and concept come from Staab Architekten.

The essential difference to the usual Archicad room stamps is that the Flexi-Zone-Stamp does not have different settings for different scales, but that the essential settings can be made very clearly and also highly flexibly in an associated Model View Options object.

These settings are located on a single page in the Model View Options and can be saved as a model view combination for any number of sections. This eliminates the need for scale-dependent settings in the object itself.

The room stamp can be used to define the room scale.

The zone stamp or the label itself also have their clear settings on a single settings page (apart from the apartment stamp settings).

For space optimisation, the zone stamp can be split at any point, and both parts can be moved individually.

The object has the following properties in both variants:

  • Useable from Archicad version 25

  • Object can be used as zone stamp or label

  • 9 anchor points, controllable via hotspot

  • Distance help for even placement to any room edge

  • Text formatting: left, right, centre, justified

  • Positions of the stamp for each scale (can be moved via hotspots)

  • Arrow/line for small spaces when used as a label

  • Target "is" adjustment, target = is, target = free value

  • Divide target areas (distribute target area to 5 rooms)

  • Optional - Integration for apartment stamp parameters (de, aut, ch)

  • Optional - Zone stamp with hotspot divisible

  • Depth of information about the Model View Options:

    • Number of rows/entries

    • Identifier: default, off, or own abbreviation

    • Any number and order of space stamp parameters and properties

    • Text style (bold, italic), color

    • several room categories to which one can map the placed zone stamps, i.e. a different number of displayed parameters is possible per zone category

    • Any heading lines for different sections/areas

    • Customisable fill background of the pure stamp

    • Line/frame can be switched on and off as a whole as well as row and column by row

    • Text size factor

    • Decimal places of the height values and area values

  • Manual English: PDF
flexi-zone-stamp-en flexi-zone-stamp-en flexi-zone-stamp-en flexi-zone-stamp-en



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